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Over the past 28 years or so I have assembled a collection of British Royal Commemoratives together with a few other commemorative items, a total of 2,273 items. I have also added 189 items that I have come across (but do not own) from various sources, for instance, reference books (see the 'Book References' page from which you can find items in the collection) and the internet. My site has become a reference tool in itself.

The majority (1,511) are beakers, but 762 items range from plates and dishes to jugs and toys.

Many were purchased on eBay or at auctions, some were found in Australia on holidays and others came from antiques fairs across England.

Unfortunately I do not have space to display all items and 56% have to be packed away in secure storage.

So that I could easily see all of my collection I decided to develop a web site and quickly realised that if I put it onto the internet then others could also see and enjoy it.

I had already developed a large and detailed Access database and decided to draw upon some of that highly formatted data to populate this web site.